Lets pick up the Christmas tour in the dining room. Our floor plan to our home is very open. Our dining room is right next to the living room. It is only separated by a half wall. Therefore, I enjoy decorating the table as part of the holiday scheme. Now, I have to say that I normally do not leave the "table set" so to speak. However, at Christmas I love pulling out my dishes and using the only china I have which is appetizer Christmas plates.
Here are a few shots of the dining room table.
I took a red damask table runner and added a few sparkling stars as I have on my foyer table along with some shiny mercury pillar holders. Again, you can find at PB.
I love white dishes and oddly found this cute white holly dish at TJmax. I thought it would play on the other white scheme dishes found in the dining room buffet and on the table.

You know you can start to see "themes" with peoples decorating. What they like and lean towards. I see a theme with loving crystals. Few years back at Christmas time PB had crystal garland. I leave it up year around on my dining room chandelier. It dresses it up. At Christmas time it sparkles with all the other items.

Again, seeing themes in my house. Damask, black, white, etc. I can't get enough of these reindeer plates.

So, that concludes the holiday tour of our dining room at Christmas time. What does your house look like at Christmas time? Do share.