Sunday, January 10, 2010

Backyard Planning

We have a big job ahead of us in 2010. Our backyard. As mentioned before, last Spring we decided to build a screen porch as seen here. However, now we must tackle building up our backyard due to the extreme slope. We've been throwing around the idea of a retaining wall. It is quite a wide span of space around the back of the house which raises the red flag of $$$. Although we have a few ideas up our sleeve on possibly cutting the price tag in two. Here are some thought inspiring photos I have in mind for plants and flowers. Here is the line up of plants/bushes that will for sure be taking a place in the back. Gorgeous, I can see these in vases in the house already:)
Tree Peony
Sarah Bernhardt Peony
Lantana is very hardy. Especially in the South. It also attracts butterflies.

I love urns, so I plan on incorporating something like the above. The ornamental cabbage in the urn adds a fun, funky touch.

Endless Summer Hydrangea, what a show stopper!

Climbing rose
Butterfly bush
What type of flowers/bushes/or trees do you love? Do share.

Images: (gardens)


  1. All of those flowers will be beautiful, what an amazing garden you are dreaming up! I need to do the same for our yard and try to figure out what will grow nicely in our dry climate. Good luck with your yard!

  2. I love ornamental cabbage, and you have a BEAUTIFUL garden! Thanks for your comments on Swoon Worthy Boutique.
